5月 28th, 2008
The First International Conference on Foundations of Informatics, Computing, and Software
No Comments, 学术活动消息, by amao.2月 29th, 2008
The 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD’08)
No Comments, 学术活动消息, by amao.The 4th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC’08) The 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD’08) 25-27 August 2008, Jinan, China Call for Papers, Invited Sessions & Sponsorship Submissi…
12月 17th, 2007
IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence(WCCI’2008)
No Comments, 学术活动消息, by amao.IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence(WCCI’2008)
中国系统工程学会模糊数学与模糊系统委员会第十三届学术会议于2006 年10 月…