2014年6月18日,Thomson Reuters公布了The World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds 和Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher (2014)入选者名单(http://highlycited.com/),全球共有3215人次入选,中国(包括香港、澳门和台湾地区)学者有160人次入选。西安交通大学理学院张文修教授和四川大学商学院长江学者特聘教授徐泽水在计算机科学领域入选(该领域入选人数为117人)。此外,徐泽水教授还在工程领域同时入选(该领域入选人数187人)。
Thomson Reuters根据2002年-2012年期间被ISI Web of Science网站收录的21个学科领域的所有ESI高被引论文进行排名(注:ESI (Essential Science Indicators,基本科学指标)高被引论文是发表的论文为所属领域中全球前1%的高引用论文)。
Thomson Reuters 介绍:“Highly Cited Researchers 2014 represents some of world’s leading scientific minds. Over three thousand researchers earned the distinction by writing the greatest numbers of reports officially designated by Essential Science Indicators as Highly Cited Papers—ranking among the top 1% most cited for their subject field and year of publication, earning them the mark of exceptional impact.”